Sprout Specials
for a spectrum of wellness
Lentils, Legumes and Grains don’t give us the optimum benefits if it is not soaked or sprouted. Bearing this in mind, we produce products from sprouts to enhance the spectrum of wellness through the art of creative cooking…the rest is up to your creativity.
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Every Meal Is A Choice
“Healthy food isn’t tasty” is a familiar statement, isn’t it? Well, not in our kitchen.
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Your Kitchen Partner
Cook without a book with the right simple technique. Bind your kitchen with guilt free, balanced, tasteful, joyful and fearless food. Healthy planet starts with a healthy plate right in your kitchen.
First, let’s get into the mood of cooking by “DIY-ing” your kitchen. Lay the table with little simple inspiring things. Centre piece from your garden cuttings will green your kitchen. Now organize the kitchen. Oh! Don’t forget some fresh kitchen herbs. Selfie corner is a MUST with your image and inspirational kitchen quotes of your favourite selection.
Now that you are all set, Let’s go into your kitchen. Happy Cooking

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